Seven cycles are used in every Nia workout. Each cycle serves a distinct purpose and is tailored to meet the needs of various students to provide holistic conditioning. The Body’s Way tells us that we must pass through these cycles to maintain harmony and...
Nia Dance: a holistic movement art in the form of dance. While not widely known, it is still a popular method for various uses. Many individuals practice Nia Dance for its benefits, others for its healing and others for health and fitness. The most wonderful thing...
As you grow older, you’ll find you’re much more susceptible to injuries and prone to experiencing aches, pains and other health issues. Common include balance issues, cognitive deterioration, respiratory problems, and heart disease. It’s important as...
Have you ever wanted to participate in dance or forms of fitness but found that the movements are too harsh on your body? Whether you’re unable to match face-paced or intense movements due to your mobility, flexibility, or other specific abilities or injuries,...
Staying healthy isn’t necessarily about being in shape or having muscles and extreme strength. When you’re focusing on being healthy, your focus should be centred on the care of your mind, body and soul first, with other health goals coming as a second...
Nia Dance, or more commonly known as the Nia Technique, is a unique and carefully designed holistic movement form. Its composition follows the design of the human body closely, including the nervous system, cognitive and organ system, and muscle and joint structure....