Did you have an injury over lockdown and are looking for an amazing ACC recovery programme now that New Zealand is in Alert Level 2? Or perhaps you’re still in lockdown and need an online form of assistance with your recovery process. This blog discusses an ACC Recovery Dance in Hamilton. This class is a fun and social technique, as well as classes, that can significantly help your rehabilitation journey.

Nia Dance Helping Your Injury Rehabilitation Journey
Nia Dance is a non-impact exercise, meaning there is very little force exerted on your body. This is important when you’re in the process of recovering from an injury as you won’t be left sweaty, tired, and sore after a Nia Dance workout. It’s also a highly adaptable technique, teaching you to listen to what movements feel right for your body and adjusting them for your comfortability, rather than going against it.
Attentively listening and tuning into your body like this will leave you feeling renewed, strengthened, and energised after each Nia Dance workout. Nia Dance and its 52 movements is a collection of different martial, healing, and dance movement arts. Some of these include Duncan dance, the Alexander technique, tai-chi, and yoga.
Nia Dance adapts actions from these various movement arts as well as some of its teachings. In turn, this creates a unique, highly adaptable mindfulness and fitness technique that provides a wide variety of benefits. Some of these benefits include spiritual, mental, physical, lifestyle, and emotional benefits.
Weight loss, enhanced organ and cognitive functioning, pain relief, higher mood, calmer energy, higher levels of sensory awareness, enhanced posture support, improved mobility, better flexibility between joints, reduced stress and depressive symptoms, and strong muscles are some of these benefits.

Nia Dance Move to Heal Classes – ACC Recovery Programme
The Accident Compensation Corporation, or ACC, is a New Zealand company. It assists New Zealand citizens and visitors who have been injured in an accident by providing financial assistance. They also offer a variety of recovery programmes to fit a variety of needs.
ACC offers a variety of tools and alternatives accessible to you depending on where you are in your recovery journey, your requirements, and the restrictions of what you can accomplish at this moment. This allows you to choose the best path for your rehabilitation.
Nia Dance Move to Heal is one of these rehabilitation paths for individuals seeking assistance in their healing journey. This class was carefully designed for individuals in the recovery stage of an injury, whether it’s back pain or a pulled muscle. It’s also authorised as a Waikato Strength and Balance class for seniors and those with mobility issues.
Dance NZ is a Nia Dance company based in Hamilton and Raglan and is where this particular class is held. Your teacher at Dance NZ, Belinda Goodwin, offers variations of moves and routines to allow participants to pick their own levels of difficulty or comfortability when practising Nia Dance. This gives the option of performing exercises at a level that is more comfortable for you or at a level that pushes you to a safe limit.
If you reside in Hamilton and want to experience and undergo your rehabilitation in a social, friendly, and non-judgmental atmosphere, Nia Dance to Heal is offered as a physical class. Dance NZ also provides online Zoom sessions for all classes if you don’t have access to transportation, live in Hamilton, or have the physical ability to attend.
Book Now
There are few recovery programmes that can provide the numerous healing benefits that Nia Dance can on top of aiding the recovery of a specific injury. Not only this but also provide, social, mental health, spiritual, and emotional well-being support.
Try Nia Dance today by viewing the Dance NZ classes available below, or discuss the Nia Dance Move to Heal class with your ACC support member or group.
Weekly Dance Classes to Choose From: Dancing Live, Online or In-Person at our Dance Venues
At Dance NZ, you must be signed up as a member in order to be able to book classes. Being a member is free, and you can sign up here.
• Nia Dance Move to Heal in-person class: Available at 11:15 a.m, every Tuesday. This class location is at Saint Aidan’s Hall. Zoom sessions are also available here.
• Classic Nia in-person class: Available at 5:30 p.m, each Tuesday. This class location is at the Fishing and Sports Club, Waikato. The address of this venue is in Hamilton on Grantham Street. Zoom sessions are also open here.
• Gentle Nia in-person class: Available at 9:30 a.m, each Wednesday. This class location is at Raglan Town Hall. The address of this venue is in Raglan at 41 Bow Street. Zoom sessions are also open here.
• Classic Nia in-person class: Available at 9:30 a.m, each Friday. This class location is at Saint John’s Hall. The address of this venue is 20 Wellington Street. Zoom sessions are also open here.
• Nia for Parkinson’s Freedom Dance in-person class: Available at 12:00 pm, each Friday. This class location is in Hamilton, Saint John’s Hall. Zoom sessions are also open here.
Learn more about the Nia Technique at nianow.com.